SMTP.com Setup Tutorial
SMTP.com Setup Tutorial
How to configure your SMTP.com API credentials.
Login to your SMTP.com account here
- Sender Name - Go to this link and find the "Name" in the "Active Senders" table that corresponds with your SMTP.com login details.
- Access Key - in your SMTP.com account create an API key here, fill in a name and description and do not set "Expires at" (you can always delete this API Key at any time, if you no longer need it).
- Username / Password - these are the same as your SMTP.com account login credentials.
- Host SMTP - Is typically username.smtp.com, but you'll want to double check with your SMTP.com account manager, as it might be different.
- Return Path is optional. By default it is set to the same as the reply address. If you'd like it to be a different email address, you can set it here. If you're not sure, leave it empty
- API Host - is the type of API connection required for this account on SMTP.com. The default in most cases is api.smtp.com.
Warning! Changing the 'Sender Name' on the Ongage platform or on the SMTP platform can result in loss of statistics. Please consult support if such a change is needed.
The current Integration of Ongage into SMTP.com does not include retrieving bounce reasons, as is available with all other SMTP integrations in Ongage.