Ongage SMTP Setup Tutorial
Ongage SMTP Setup Tutorial
Below are the steps that are required to setup the Ongage SMTP in your account
- Let Ongage Support know which Sending domain you'll be using with the Ongage SMTP.
- Along with the Sending domain, let the support know; which IP regions you need. That depends on the region that your target audience is from. For the EU we assign an EU IP. And for the rest of the world, it will be a US IP.
- Ongage Support will then do some back-end configurations for the setup of the sending domain and IP. Note: The sending domain configured will be in format of og.domain.com.
- Support will revert back to you to add TXT and MX records in your DNS for the sub-domains that are created. There will be 2 sets of TXT records and 2 sets of MX records that you will need to add at your DNS side.
- Let the support know once the TXT and MX records have been configured.
- Ongage Support will then create a new Ongage SMTP connection in your account and update you.
- Add the From Name, From Address and Reply Address in the connection to activate it.
Please make sure to use the same subdomain in the sending domain of the From Address of the connection, as was configured by Support in Step 3 above.
We generally assign separate dedicated IP per sending domain. If you want to use one IP for multiple domains, please indicate the domains and respective IP to Support. Please note that in this case, the IP reputation will be shared among assigned domains, and the bad reputation of one sending domain will affect the other domains.
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