Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Setup Tutorial

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Setup Tutorial


Following are the steps required to connect your Ongage OCI vendor connection to your Oracle Cloud SMTP account.

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

  1. Login to your Oracle Cloud account > Enter your Cloud Account Name:


  2. Enter your username and password

  3. Set User Permission

    1. ⚠️ To ensure optimal security, it is advisable to establish a specific user within your Tenancy and provide the following information through that user.

    2. ⚠️Make sure this user is part of a group and the group has the Following policies assigned to it:

      1. Allow group [GroupName] to manage email-family in tenancy

      2. Allow group [GroupName] to read log-content in tenancy

      3. Allow group [GroupName] to manage log-groups in tenancy

      4. Allow group [GroupName] to read metrics in tenancy

      5. Allow group [GroupName] to inspect metrics in tenancy

      6. Allow group [GroupName] to read resource-availability in tenancy

      7. Allow group [GroupName] to read audit-events in tenancy

    3. This ensures all Email Delivery aspects are covered, Deliverability Dashboard, and API calls (to verify credentials).

In Ongage

  1. Create a new ‘Oracle Cloud Interface’ vendor connection in Ongage.


  2. In that connection, enter From/Reply Addresses and From Name.

  3. API credentials: Get the API credentials from your Oracle account, and enter them into the Ongage OCI connection.

    1. Host & SMTP host - City can be found in the Oracle email configuration URL HERE or in the upper menu bar or under "Public Endpoint"


    2. Pem - Click on "Add API keys" and "download private key" > Copy content to the ‘pem’ field. Link to the page HERE


    3. Return path - Approved From/Reply Address as shown HERE

    4. Tenancy - Copy the value of the ‘OCID’ field under Tenancy Information and insert to the Tenancy field in Ongage

    5. SMTP User/SMTP Password - Use your existing username and password or generate a new set in:

    6. API User - Copy ‘OCID’ value from

  4. Configure X-CONTENT-ID header in Oracle:

To configure X-CONTENT-ID header, please Contact Oracle support and request to configure X-CONTENT-ID header in your Tenancy.

The support request to configure the X-CONTENT-ID should include:

a. Request to create custom header: X-CONTENT-ID for the sending domains listed below.
b. The tenancy OCID.
c. OCI Region.
d. Sending Domain OCID(s).
e. OCI console -> navigate to Email delivery service -> select email domains -> select domain -> copy OCID



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