
Table of Contents:

24/7 Support

Ongage Provides 24/7 Support via In-Platform Tickets, Email Support and Zoom Calls

  • Ongage offers 24/7 support!
  • The best way to get support is via the Support menu option within the platform which goes directly to our 24/7 Zendesk Support Center!
  • Opening a ticket will start an email thread with the user who opened the ticket.
  • If at any point you'd like to get on a screen-share / zoom call â€“ just open a support ticket, requesting to get on a Zoom, note the topic you need help with, and Ongage Support will schedule one with you via the ticket, typically on that same day!

The best way to contact support is from within the Ongage platform

  1. Login to your Ongage account.
  2. On the upper right-hand side, click on the 3 bar menu icon right next to your Ongage username.
  3. Click on the "Support" menu item to open a support ticket!

Alternative Ways to Contact Support

The Ongage Zendesk Support Email

  1. Email support directly at: or
  2. In email message please indicate your name, email, Ongage account name and ID if you know.
  3. Full details of the issue, including List Name (List ID), Campaign Name and Campaign ID etc.

Read more about out great support reviews

  • Ongage Overview and Reviews on G2


Zendesk Shortcuts

  • You can update the status of a ticket, after you opened it, see reference here: Updating ticket properties from your Inbox
  • Most commonly if for example, you want to set the status of a ticket to closed you can use this command: #status solved -  in the body of the email when you reply to Zendesk