Getting Started

The Ongage Getting Started Guide

Here you'll find essential information on how to get up and running with the Ongage email marketing platform:

For a full detailed "How To" user manual, see our online How To User Guide section (note also navigation in left column of this page).

Ongage How-To Videos 

Here you'll find are latest essential How to Videos.

How to Get Help and Contact Support 

  • The above is a basic guide to help you get started! 
  • If you have additional questions about any of the many features that the Ongage platform offers, please peruse our detailed online how-to manual, knowledge base and API docs.
  • For all the ways you can contact our 24/7 support, please see the Support entry in this online guide.

What Browser Versions does Ongage Support

  • The latest version of Chrome: on Windows and MacOS.
  • The Ongage platform is not officially supported on Smartphones, Tablets or iOS devices.