Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Setup Tutorial
Table of Contents:
Following are the steps required to connect your Ongage OCI vendor connection to your Oracle Cloud SMTP account.
In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Login to your Oracle Cloud account > Enter your Cloud Account Name:
Enter your username and password
Set User Permission
⚠️ To ensure optimal security, it is advisable to establish a specific user within your Tenancy and provide the following information through that user.
⚠️Make sure this user is part of a group and the group has the Following policies assigned to it:
Allow group [GroupName] to manage email-family in tenancy
Allow group [GroupName] to read log-content in tenancy
Allow group [GroupName] to manage log-groups in tenancy
Allow group [GroupName] to read metrics in tenancy
Allow group [GroupName] to inspect metrics in tenancy
Allow group [GroupName] to read resource-availability in tenancy
Allow group [GroupName] to read audit-events in tenancy
This ensures all Email Delivery aspects are covered, Deliverability Dashboard, and API calls (to verify credentials).
In Ongage
Create a new ‘Oracle Cloud Interface’ vendor connection in Ongage.
In that connection, enter From/Reply Addresses and From Name.
API credentials: Get the API credentials from your Oracle account, and enter them into the Ongage OCI connection.
Host & SMTP host - City can be found in the Oracle email configuration URL HERE or in the upper menu bar or under "Public Endpoint"
Pem - Click on "Add API keys" and "download private key" > Copy content to the ‘pem’ field. Link to the page HERE
Return path - Approved From/Reply Address as shown HERE
Tenancy - Copy the value of the ‘OCID’ field under Tenancy Information and insert to the Tenancy field in Ongage
SMTP User/SMTP Password - Use your existing username and password or generate a new set in:
API User - Copy ‘OCID’ value from
Configure X-CONTENT-ID header in Oracle:
To configure X-CONTENT-ID header, please Contact Oracle support and request to configure X-CONTENT-ID header in your Tenancy.
The support request to configure the X-CONTENT-ID should include:
a. Request to create custom header: X-CONTENT-ID for the sending domains listed below.
b. The tenancy OCID.
c. OCI Region.
d. Sending Domain OCID(s).
e. OCI console -> navigate to Email delivery service -> select email domains -> select domain -> copy OCID