Email Settings

Email Settings


Table of Contents:

Email Settings

Two Steps to Create/Edit an Email Message 

The Email Settings is Step One of Two

  1. 'Email Settings' Page.

  2. 'Email Design' Page.


Overview of Email Settings Page

  • The Email Settings Page contains various settings and configurations related to the email message.

  • The Message Name and Description is only meta-data, for the email marketer/Ongage users. Anything you enter there, the recipient won't see. The Subject and Pre-Header texts are set up in the following step – in the Design of the Email message.

The Ongage Default Unsubscribe Link

  • The simplest way to automatically add an unsubscribe link to your email message, is by clicking the "Default Unsubscribe Link" option in step 1 of creating/editing an email message.

  • This option simply appends a basic non-formatted unsubscribe link to the bottom of your email message. If you'd like to customize the accompanying text and design of this link, see the following section on "How to Customize the Unsubscribe Link"


  • The flag to set this default on/off can be set on the List level under List → Settings → General or under the Settings → Configurations.

  • Additional Options: There are two additional options you can set here.

    • Add Customize Unsubscribe Confirmation Page: It is used to customize unsubscribe confirmation page. It is used to set a default unsubscribe page for the email message.

    • Customize Unsubscribe Success Page: For the customize unsubscribe success page, there are two options wherein you can add:

      • Customize Unsubscribe Success Page that allows you to set a default customized unsubscribe page text for the email message.

      • Success Page Redirection is used to set a redirect URL, to redirect a contact to the URL you set, after they unsubscribe.
        You can also append system fields and dynamic fields to your redirect URL.

How to Set a Default Header and Footer

  • This features enables you to set a default message header and/or footer, to be automatically added/included/injected to all emails messages when sent in a given list.

  • The Footer can be used for automatically adding/injecting the CAN-SPAM compliance physical address of your company to the bottom of all your email messages as well as other footer components like links to social media, etc.

  • The header and footer you should setup as HTML templates in your Ongage Template Library.

  • (Alternatively of course you always have the option of building the header and footer directly in the body of the message, i.e., not to break it out into separate parts, in which case you won't need this feature).

  1. Go to the List → Settings → General and Open the Header & Footer panel

  2. Check header & footer:


  3. Click on the 'Select' button and choose the desired template to be used, from your template library 

  4. Click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page (and from that point on, all emails you send from this list will get appended the header and or footer you set here).

     Note: You can overwrite this setting on the campaign level, in Step 1: Email Settings':

    When you have this list setting set, then on the email message level, these will be checked and set. You can uncheck, and that way unset, or choose another header and footer set.

Automatically add URL parameters to all links in an email message

This feature can be used for Google Analytics URL utm parameters as well as any other website traffic tracking technology that uses URL parameters. For more about how to use this, see URL Parameters in the List >> Settings >> General page.

How to use a dynamic field in the 'From Name' of an email message

 This feature only works with SMTP relays (for a full list of those see our ESP knowledge base).

You can use a dynamic list field in order to populate the 'From Name' field of your email message. See example below of how to use this in an email message. In this example 'sale_rep_name' is the name of the list field.

 Note: You might want to use the default value feature, in case the list field value is empty, e.g., {{sales_rep_name:Sales}}.

Note: See our Vendor Settings help for how to set a From Address and/or Reply Address using a dynamic field.

Email Message: Advanced Settings

Add a Tag to Email Message

  • In the Email Settings screen, under the "Advanced Setting" you can find the "Tags" option.

  • You can select tags from the drop down list as well as you can add a new tag. You can select multiple tags for your email.

  • To add a new tag, you can simply click on "Add Tag" and add a new tag.

Tag Settings

  • Remove Tag: You can remove the Tag from System by Clicking on "Add Tag" button to Open Tag Settings, and then click on the Delete trashcan icon.


  • Tag Scope: By default Tag is assigned with "Global" scope which means once a Tag is added, it can be used across all lists. If you want any specific tags to be used in any one list only, then you can select the "List Scope" option. Checking "List Scope" will cause this tag to be available only in this list. Please note that while the usage is per list, the Tag itself is unique per account and you will not be able to create a Tag with this name in another list.

What are tags used for

  • You can think of a tags, like a label as one might find in: Gmail, Blog Posts, etc.

  • Using tags you can get stats in in the Aggregate Report, across multiple campaigns that share the same tag (aka label).

  • For example let's say you have a weekly newsletter and a monthly one. The messages you use for the weekly newsletter you can tag with "Weekly" and "Monthly" for the monthly ones. Then in the Aggregate Report you can compare open, click, CTR and bounce rates between those different tags, so that you'll be able to track performance of those newsletters across multiple campaigns.

  • Another example would be used to use tags for different themes of content e.g., Sports, Entertainment, Weather, News, Politics, etc. There are many ways to use tags aka labels.

Retroactive Tagging

  1. When adding a tag to a new email message, then from that point on, Ongage will collect aggregated stats for the tag(s) of that message id, for all future sends.

  2. But, when adding a tag to an email message that was used in past campaigns, Ongage does not retroactively aggregate tag stats for past campaigns. But, any new sends using that email message, will create new aggregated stats for that tag.

    1. Having said that, if you add a tag to an email message sent in the past, and create a segment based on that tag (see below), it will include contacts from those past campaigns!

Using Tags in Segments 

You can also create behavioral segments based on contacts that were 'Sent', 'Opened' or 'Clicked' in messages with a given tag. e.g.:

Mailing Frequency Form


  1. This is a basic email preference page that you can be setup in Ongage. And this page is hosted on and by the Ongage platform.

  2. For a fully tailorable email preference center see: 'Configurable Email Preference Center' in our Ongage Email Preference Center section.

  3. Alternatively if you already have your own preference center up and running on your website, you can connect it to your Ongage account via the Ongage API.

    1. In that case you'll be changing the status of contacts using the API POST /api/v2/contacts/change_status method (see API documentation for more info about this).

    2. If you'll want to keep unsubscribe stats per Ongage campaign, you'll need to also pass the ocx_child_id (which is the sub-campaign id).

Setting up the basic Ongage email frequency form

  1. Go to your  Field Setup and choose a list field that will contain the frequency value that will get populated by the form below. The name of the list field may be any name you like but for clarity purposes you'll want to call it something like "frequency"


  2. Go to Step 1 of setting up an email message > Unsubscribe Management > select the "Add Unsubscribe confirmation page"


  3. Check the "Mailing Frequency Form" and customize your form

When your recipients click on the unsubscribe link in their email, they will be presented with the form above.

 You will need to implement the frequency on your own, the form above just provides you with an easy built-in way to capture your member's preferences. Meaning you will create a separate segment for each frequency, and send to them according to the preference they chose above.

 Note: you can put any text in the above 3 options. The form above could have been "Monthly", "Quarterly" and "Yearly". In the end the designated field is populated with one of the following 3 values "Frequency1", "Frequency2" or "Frequency3". It is up you to make sure you email them according to the desired frequency.

Email Settings FAQs

Can I use a dynamic From Name value in an email message

  • Yes, if you're using an SMTP relay you can set a dynamic from name in the following manner:

    The example above is based on the assumption that 'from_name’ is the name of the List field containing this value, for each recipient. 

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