ESP/SMTP/SMS Vendors Knowledge Base

ESP/SMTP/SMS Vendors Knowledge Base

Table of Contents:


This section refers to all the vendors that Ongage has plug & play connections to and you'll find them in the Ongage platform under: 
Vendors  → ESP/SMTP VendorsVendors Settings → SMS Vendors


Subsection Pages

SMTP Vendor Connections in the Ongage Platform

  1. Amazon SES

  2. InboxRoad

  3. MailGun

  4. MailJet V3

  5. mySMTP

  6. Oracle Dyn

  7. Private SMTP (a generic SMTP connector for connecting to any On-Premise or Cloud SMTP server).

  8. SendGrid

  9. SMTP.com

  10. SocketLabs

  11. SparkPost & SparkPost Enterprise

SMS Vendor Connections in the Ongage Platform

  1. CM.

  2. MessageMedia

  3. Sinch

  4. Twilio

Support for Transactional Emails

Currently Ongage supports sending transactional email messages in the following ESP/SMTP vendor plug-ins ONLY: 

  1. Amazon SES

  2. Oracle Dyn

  3. Elastic Email

  4. InboxRoad

  5. Mandrill

  6. MailGun

  7. MailJet V3

  8. mySMTP

  9. OpenText

  10. Private SMTP (a generic SMTP connector for connecting to any On-Premise or Cloud SMTP server).

  11. SendGrid

  12. SMTP.com

  13. SocketLabs

  14. SparkPost & SparkPost Enterprise

Support for Transactional SMS

Currently Ongage supports sending transactional SMS text messages in the following SMS vendor plug-ins ONLY: 

  1. CM.

  2. MessageMedia

  3. Sinch

  4. Twilio

ESPs that Enforce their Unsubscribe Link

The following ESPs will add an additional unsubscribe link regardless to any custom unsubscribe link you used in Ongage:

  • Benchmark

  • BlueHornet (is now Mapp Digital)

  • Elastic Email

  • SendGrid (can be disable via Sendgrid UI under their Apps Subscription Tracking)

  • SmartFocus

    • In the case of SmartFocus on a per ESP connection basis, Ongage can disable the enforcement of the unsubscribe link, by not calling the createUnsubscribeUrl method. So if a client asks to disable this, it is possible.

  • Teradata (aka eCircle) 

    • Here too on a per ESP connection basis, Ongage can disable the enforcement of the unsubscribe link so if a client asks to disable this, it is possible.

Which ESPs require Field Mapping and Which Don't

ESPs that require field mapping

The following ESPs require that the fields you setup in your list in Ongage will be mapped to those in the outbound ESP.
 Note: You only need to map those field that you plan to use as dynamic fields inside the email message. Typically you only need to do field mapping once when you setup the ESP, and on those less frequent occasions, when you introduce or remove a dynamic field from your email message.

  • BenchmarkEmail

  • BlueHornet (is now Mapp Digital)

  • Elastic Email

  • OpenText

  • Teradata (formerly eCircle and is now also Mapp Digital)

SMTPs & ESPs that DO NOT require field mapping

The following ESPs DO NOT require any field mapping, and you can use any and all your fields in your Ongage list as dynamic fields in your HTML email message.
 Note: generally speaking SMTPs do not require any field mapping, while ESPs do. For a list of SMTPs in the Ongage network see section about this above.

  • Amazon SES

  • Elastic Email 

  • InboxRoad

  • MailGun 

  • MailJet V3

  • Mandrill

  • mySMTP

  • Oracle Dyn

  • Private SMTP 

  • SendGrid

  • SMTP.com

  • SocketLabs

  • AMS by TotalSend

Which Vendors Support Ongage Dynamic Hashed Email Field

By and large the Ongage hashed email field {{ocx_email_hash}} is supported in all SMTP relay connections – see above "SMTP Vendors in the Ongage Network".

There are are a few other vendors where this feature is also supported, here is the complete list:

  • Amazon

  • Cm

  • InboxRoad

  • Mailgun

  • Mailjet V3

  • MessageMedia

  • mySMTP

  • Oracle Dyn

  • Private SMTP

  • SendGrid

  • SMTP.com

  • SocketLabs

  • Sparkpost & SparkPost Elite

  • Teradata/eCircle

  • Twilio



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