List API Methods

List API Methods

Table of Contents:

(info) Note: Notice that in each API call you must provide the List ID that you are working on, otherwise the default List ID will be used. You can review the possible ways to provide List ID in this link.

Methods Summary

GET /api/lists/<List ID>


This method fetches a list.

Response Example

GET URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists/<list_id>

  "metadata": {
    "error": false
  "payload": {
    "id": 12345,
    "name": "Another List",
    "notification_email": null,
    "description": "",
    "type": "sending",
    "hash_type": "",
    "last_count": 0,
    "last_active_count": 0,
    "unsubscribes": 0,
    "unsubscribe_default_link": true,
    "complaints": 0,
    "last_stats_date": null,
    "last_events_stats_date": null,
    "last_transactional_stats_date": null,
    "bounces": 0,
    "unsubscribe_success_html": null,
    "unsubscribe_confirmation_html": null,
    "unsubscribe_confirmation_button": "",
    "unsubscribe_redirect_url": null,
    "frequencies": null,
    "frequency_active": false,
    "frequency_html": null,
    "frequency_button": "",
    "frequency_field_id": null,
    "external_url_wrapper": "",
    "expiration_date": 0,
    "scope": null,
    "default_transactional_id": 12345,
    "welcome_email_id": null,
    "welcome_email_active": false,
    "welcome_email_esp_connection_id": null,
    "welcome_sms_id": null,
    "welcome_sms_active": false,
    "welcome_sms_connection_id": null,
    "welcome_sms_per_segment": null,
    "allowed_provider_connection_ids": null,
    "public_key": null,
    "image_host_base": null,
    "tracking_domain": null,
    "sms_field_id": null,
    "modified_counts": 0,
    "archive": false,
    "segment_welcome_emails": null,
    "included_segment_cache": null,
    "excluded_segment_cache": null,
    "header_template_id": null,
    "footer_template_id": null,
    "cke_keep_spaces_empty_blocks": false,
    "preprocess_minutes": null,
    "imports_concurrent_limit": 2,
    "demo_list_step": "",
    "link_query_params": null,
    "account_id": 1,
    "created": 1617541368,
    "modified": 1617541368,
    "deleted": null

GET /api/lists


This method returns a collection of all lists in a given account, along with info regarding list type and accompanying settings of each list.



Optional string - List name


Optional string - "sending" or "suppression"


Optional string - List column name


Optional string - "ASC" or "DESC"


Optional int


Optional int

Possible Filters

  • "name" - list name exactly matches the given value
  • "name_like" - list name contains the given value
  • "type" - list type (sending/suppression)
  • "hash_type" - hash type applicable for suppression type only (md5/sha256/sha512)
  • "scope" - suppression list scope (global/list/campaign)
  • "archive" - filtering archived lists (true/false)
  • "deleted" - filtering deleted lists (true/false)

Response Example - Sending List

GET URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists?type=sending

"metadata": {
  "error": false,
  "total": 1
"payload": [
  "id": 60299,
  "account_id": 60306,
  "name": "my sending list",
  "description": "",
  "type": "sending",
  "last_count": 0,
  "last_active_count": 0,
  "unsubscribes": 0,
  "complaints": 0,
  "last_stats_date": null,
  "bounces": 0,
  "unsubscribe_success_html": null,
  "unsubscribe_confirmation_html": null,
  "unsubscribe_confirmation_button": "",
  "frequencies": null,
  "frequency_active": false,
  "frequency_html": null,
  "frequency_button": "",
  "external_url_wrapper": "",
  "expiration_date": 0,
  "scope": null,
  "welcome_email_id": null,
  "welcome_email_active": true,
  "public_key": null,
  "image_host_base": "",
  "tracking_domain": "",
  "welcome_email_esp_connection_id": null,
  "sms_field_id": null,
  "frequency_field_id": null,
  "modified_counts": 0,
  "archive": false,
  "segment_welcome_emails": null,
  "included_segment_cache": null,
  "excluded_segment_cache": null,
  "default": false,
  "created": 1448288565,
  "modified": 1448536004,
  "deleted": null

Response Example - Suppression List

GET URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists?type=suppression&hash_type=md5 (To fetch MD5 Suppression lists Only)
GET URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists?type=suppression&hash_type=sha256 (To fetch SHA256 Suppression lists Only)
GET URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists?type=suppression&hash_type=sha512 (To fetch SHA512 Suppression lists Only)

 "metadata": {
   "error": false,
   "total": 1
 "payload": [
   "id": 60300,
   "account_id": 60306,
   "name": "my suppression list",
   "description": "",
   "type": "suppression",
   "last_count": 0,
   "last_active_count": 0,
   "unsubscribes": 0,
   "complaints": 0,
   "last_stats_date": null,
   "bounces": 0,
   "unsubscribe_success_html": null,
   "unsubscribe_confirmation_html": null,
   "unsubscribe_confirmation_button": "",
   "frequencies": null,
   "frequency_active": false,
   "frequency_html": null,
   "frequency_button": "",
   "external_url_wrapper": "",
   "expiration_date": 0,
   "scope": "campaign",
   "welcome_email_id": null,
   "welcome_email_active": false,
   "public_key": null,
   "image_host_base": null,
   "tracking_domain": null,
   "welcome_email_esp_connection_id": null,
   "sms_field_id": null,
   "frequency_field_id": null,
   "modified_counts": 0,
   "archive": false,
   "segment_welcome_emails": null,
   "included_segment_cache": null,
   "excluded_segment_cache": null,
   "default": false,
   "created": 1448373288,
   "modified": 1448373288,
   "deleted": null

POST /api/lists


This method creates a new List.



Required string


Required string - "suppression" or "sending"


Optional string


Optional boolean - Will create a "All List Contacts" segment


Optional array - Default: Copy the fields from the default list


Optional timestamp or date format - For "suppression" list only


Optional string - For "suppression" list only, "global" or "list" or "campaign". Default: "global"


Optional array - For "suppression" list only. It is need when creating list level Suppression lists to provide "sending_list_id" that you want to connect this suppression with. 


Optional string - For "suppression" list only, indicates if lists support contacts in md5, sha256, or sha512 format.  

Request Example - Sending list with Default Fields

POST URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists


Request Example - Sending list Additional Fields

 "name": "my_list_name",
 "type": "sending",
 "description": "This is my list",
 "create_segment": true,
   "name": "email",
   "title": "email",
   "type": "email",
   "mandatory": true,
   "position": 0
   "name": "full_name",
   "title": "Full Name",
   "type": "string",
   "mandatory": false,
   "position": 1
   "name": "field3",
   "title": "field3",
   "type": "numeric",
   "mandatory": true,
   "position": 2

Request Example - Suppression List

POST URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists

"name": "suppression list test",
"description": "",
"type": "suppression"

Request Example - Suppression List with MD5 hashing

POST URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists

"name": "suppression MD5 hash",
"description": "",
"type": "suppression",
"hash_type": "md5",
"expiration_date": ""

Request Example - List Level Suppression List

POST URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists

"name": "list level suppression",
"description": "",
"type": "suppression",
"scope": "list",
"suppress_in_lists": [
"expiration_date": ""

PUT /api/lists/<List ID>


This method updates and existing list.



Required string


Optional string


Optional timestamp or date format - For "suppression" list only


Optional string - For "suppression" list only, "global" or "list" or "campaign". Default: "global"


Optional boolean - An unsubscribe link is mandatory for each email. if you set the default unsubscribe link to false, you must define an unsubscribe link yourself in the content_html part


Optional string - Unsubscribe confirmation page displayed after pressing the unsubscribe link


Optional string - The text on the Unsubscribe confirmation button. The confirmation button will appear at the bottom of the page, centralized


Optional string - Unsubscribe success page displayed after a successful unsubscribe


Optional boolean - activate list level frequencies (the defa)


Optional string - must be provided if frequency_active is set to true. the text that will be displayed before the frequencies select box


Optional array of objects - must be provided if frequency_active is set to true.

*active : true/false

*title : "string"

*value : "Frequency1"/"Frequency2"/"Frequency3"

Request Example - List with unsubscribe part

PUT URL: https://api.ongage.net/api/lists/<list_id>

 "name": "my_list_name",
 "type": "sending",
 "description": "This is my list",
 "welcome_email_active": false,
 "unsubscribe_default_link": true,
 "unsubscribe_confirmation_html" : "<p>Are you sure you wannt to unsubscribe?</p>",
 "unsubscribe_confirmation_button" : "Unsubscribe",
 "unsubscribe_success_html": "<p>you have been successfully unsubscribe</p>",
 "frequency_active": true,
 "frequency_html" "<p>Choose how frequent would you like to receive our email</p>",
 "frequencies" : [
         "title":"Twice a month",

POST /api/lists/<List ID>/copy


This method copies a list.


POST api/lists/<list_id>/copy?
  Request = array (
  'create' => true,
  'name' => '<name>',
  'description' => '',
  'type' => 'sending',
  'default' => false,

DELETE /api/lists/<List ID>


This method deletes a list.

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