Contact Counts API Methods
Table of Contents:
Note: Notice that in each API call you must provide the List ID that you are working on, otherwise the default List ID will be used.
Methods Summary
GET /api/contact_counts/<id>
- This method provides a count for specific Count ID.
- In order to get a Count Id, first use POST /api/contact_counts method as detailed in the next section.
GET URL:<id>
{ "metadata": { "error": false, "total": "917655" }, "payload": { "active": 743895, "bounced": 172413, "complaint": 966, "unsubscribed": 381 } }
Error Codes
- 404 - Not found
POST /api/contact_counts
Initiate a count process, typically used to get the latest count for a Segment but can also be done on a criteria.
- This method returns a Count ID in response.
You will need the Count ID returned from this POST request, in the GET method above, in order to get the number count of contacts for the segment/criteria provided in the POST request.
- Some users might only want to issue a count, so the latest segment count will be seen in the Ongage UI, in which case there's no need to save the Count ID, nor use the GET command.
Required (only when criteria is empty) int
Required (only when segment_id is empty) array of arrays - Criteria to filter by results
*field_name : String - The field_name for this criteria
*type : String - The type of field (behavioral, date_absolute, email, string, numeric, enum, entity, timestamp)
*operator : String - "LIKE" / "NOT LIKE" / "_LIKE" (begins with) / "LIKE_" (ends with) / "empty" / "notempty" / "=" / "!=" / "><" / ">" / "<" / ">=" / "<="
*operand : Array - Array of operand values, will be filter with OR condition
*case_sensitive: 1 or 0 - Case sensitivity
Criteria Example
POST URL:<list_id>/api/contact_counts
Example with string field: { "criteria": { "field_name": "name", "type": "string", "operator": "LIKE", "operand": [ "John", "Mary" ], "case_sensitive": "0" } } Example with date field: { "criteria": [ { "field_name": "birthday", "type": "date_absolute", "operator": "=", "operand": ["08/06/2024"], "condition": "and" } ] }
{ "payload": { "id": 30 } }
Above is the ID to use in the GET method.
Error Codes
- 404 - Not found
- 500 - Validation error
Segment Count Example
Segment Count Post Example
POST URL:<list_id>/api/contact_counts/
{"segment_id": 1234567890}
{ "metadata": { "error": false }, "payload": { "id": 1112223334 } }
Above is the ID to use in the following GET method.
Segment Count Get Example
GET URL:<list_id>/api/contact_counts/1112223334
{ "metadata": { "error": false, "total": "917655" }, "payload": { "active": 743895, "bounced": 172413, "complaint": 966, "unsubscribed": 381 } }