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Delivery and Email Marketing KPI Terms Explained
The following is a list of delivery and Email Marketing KPIs you'll find in all the various Ongage analytic reports.
- The 'Open' value is the raw number of email messages that were opened (aka viewed) by all contacts in a given campaign or over a selected time frame (see in the following section about how Ongage counts opens).
- Ongage counts each time a contact opens the message you've sent. For example, if the contact opened your email 3 times, the system will register 3 (raw) opens. See the following Unique Opens.
- The accompanying rate value is based on Opens / Success.
- These are emails addresses that Ongage sent over to the SMTP vendor in order to be sent-out, but ended up not getting sent by the SMTP vendor. So they are neither Sent nor Bounced (and neither hard bounced nor soft bounced). This is by and large a rare scenario and does not happen on all SMTP vendors. Moreover this only occurs if and when the sender has a reputation issue with one or more Mailbox services (aka ISPs), they are sending to e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, Oulook, etc. This is what happens: let's say the sender has a reputation issue with Due to that will only accept a certain amount/rate of emails per hour from that sender. If the campaign is large, in the end not all email addresses will end up getting sent. Those that don't get sent, become deferred / expired. Currently in Ongage there is no special designated status for deferred / expired, as there is for hard bounces and soft bounces. Since they were never sent, you'll see a notably lower sent count than targeted when this occurs. That along with often a high soft-bounce rate, is usually a strong indicator for this issue. Sending a Mail-Tester can often further confirm a related reputation issue.
Delivery and Email Marketing KPI Terms FAQ
FAQs about some of these terms and how they work in Ongage.
How does Ongage count opens
- Ongage automatically places a 1x1 transparent image pixel into the bottom of each email message. When that image is downloaded it is tracked via Ongage's tracking server. This 1x1 transparent image pixel is placed right before the closing </body> tag, i.e., at the bottom of the HTML email message.
- Note: When exporting Openers for campaign X, that number should match the number of unique opens (as the raw open count will be bigger, as the raw count includes recipients that opened an email more than once).
Opens in Ongage are implied
- Every link in an email message sent from Ongage is wrapped with an Ongage tracking link (that's the tracking domain you setup under the Account Settings. Go to Account Settings and see Tracking and Image Domain setup). When a recipient clicks on a link in the email message they are first redirected to the Ongage tracking URL (aka tracking server), where the click is counted, and then redirected to the destination URL, as displayed in the email message.
- The Ongage editor does enable a user to remove tracking for a given link.
- Ongage click tracking can be removed altogether from your account (you can request that from Ongage support), if you're using your own click tracking software, and are not interested in the Ongage tracking feature. Note: In such a case no click stats will appears in any of the reports in Ongage!
For how long does Ongage collect Open and Click Stats for a given campaign
- Ongage collects Opens/Clicks for all campaigns that were sent up to 45 days ago.
- Meaning if you open/click an email message, that was sent more than 45 days ago, those stats will not be counted, and the behavioral will also not be registered.
Are the 'Unsubscribe' and 'View Email in Browser' links counted
- Unsubscribe links are not counted. Those clicks will not appear as stats in any Ongage report. Moreover no behavioral open will be registered for contacts who clicked on this unsubscribe link. This applies to the Ongage unsubscribe link only.
- View email in browser links are counted and will appear as click count stats in Ongage reports. Contacts who clicked on this link, will also be included in the segment behavioral open. However, the actual link, will not appear in the breakdown of links that were clicked on.
What are Feedback Loops (FBL / FBLs) AKA Complaint Feedback Loop
- A feedback loop, sometimes called a complaint feedback loop, is an inter-organizational form of feedback by which a Mailbox Provider (MP) forwards the complaints originating from their users back to the sending server / sender.
- See more on Wikipedia about Email Feedback Loops. This is something that your outbound ESP/SMTP sets up with each Mail Box provider. Ongage then pulls that data either via API or webhooks of that ESP/SMTP back into Ongage.
Do I need to setup Feedback Loops (FBL / FBLs) in Ongage
- No. A Feedback loop is something that needs to be setup in the outgoing ESPs you are using in Ongage. So for example, if you're connected to Dyn, and using Ongage as a front-end, the feedback loop is setup for your Dyn account, and Ongage will then pull the complaint (feedback loop) data from your Dyn account into Ongage. For more information about your feedback loop setup, please contact your outbound ESP account administrator.
- The exception to the above is in the case of Private SMTP where you will need to setup the FBL yourself.
How Long Does it Take to Process Unsubscribes
- On average it takes 5 minutes to process an unsubscribe.
How Long Does it Take to Process Complaints
- Anywhere from 1-6 hours depending on the ESP/SMTP. In the case of Amazon SES, mySMTP, Private SMTP, it's typically 1 hour or less.
How long do we maintain the 'View in Browser' link
- 90 days
Gmail Discrepancy in Open Rates
- The discrepancy in Gmail open rates you see is caused by the Gmail Image Proxy. That is because, each delivered email contains a link to an invisible tracking image, and when the image is requested, the sender can deduce that the email has been opened. Unfortunately, Gmail sometimes issues requests for images when the email is received by their servers (before any action from the intended recipient).
- Sometimes it is possible to distinguish these events from the genuine opens that are initiated by your contacts; in which case we can exclude these from the statistics. Sometimes they are indistinguishable. The behavior can also vary depending on whether a contact uses the web-based Gmail interface, a mobile app or some other desktop email client.The result is that open rates from Gmail are not always reliable. This is an industry-wide problem; it is particularly noticeable in this case because the event is configured to target only Gmail contacts.
- Furthermore, since Google generally don't publicly discuss the inner workings of their systems, we can't know exactly why one message is 'preferred' over the other.
- Click rates are not affected by this problem, so the statistics show a ratio closer to 50:50 as you would expect.
Note that in the case of A/B Split tests, to an only Gmail Segment this discrepancy could be particularly noticeable due to this discrepancy.
Setting Up Gmail Feedback Loop (FBL) : Feedback-ID
Info |
Gmail offers a feedback loop (FBL) to high volume senders and email service providers (ESPs). The Gmail FBL is not like those offered by other mailbox providers, because it does not send complaints in the Abuse Reporting Format (ARF). Gmail's FBL only provides a report with aggregated spam statistics for recipients based on specific identifiers in the header, in order to protect their users' privacy. It is important to note that some lower volume senders may not see feedback loop data, even if all requirements for implementing the feedback loop are met. Gmail requires senders to hit an undisclosed volume and spam complaint threshold for data to be available. So, large volume senders and ESPs typically benefit the most from Gmail's feedback loop data. |
To implement the feedback loop, Gmail requires that you insert a special header called the Feedback-ID. And the header is required in either of the following formats:
- Feedback-ID: a:b:c:ESPid (for the ESP)
- Feedback-ID: a:b:c:Senderid (for the high volume sender)
- “a:b:c” are the optional 3 fields which can be anything you choose (campaign/customer/other)
- “SenderId/ESPid” is the only required field. This ID corresponds to an Sender/ESP customer and must be unique and persistent to that customer.
For the optional 3 fields, in Ongage you can inject following values:
- Literal value e.g., 10, IP-Pool, etc.
- Ongage System Field For example {{ocx_mailing_id}}, {{ocx_child_id}}, {{ocx_esp_id}} etc.
- Ongage Dynamic List Field For example {{unique_id}} where "unique_id" is the custom data field added in your Ongage List.
Once you obtain the Feedback-ID header value using above details, you can configure the same as Custom Header in Ongage ESP Connection.
ISP/Mailbox Providers That Provide Feedback Loops for Complaints
The following is a not an exhaustive list:
- (you can request that from Ongage support), if you're using your own click tracking software, and are not interested in the Ongage tracking feature. Note: In such a case no click stats will appears in any of the reports in Ongage!
For how long does Ongage collect Open and Click Stats for a given campaign
- Ongage collects Opens/Clicks for all campaigns that were sent up to 45 days ago.
- Meaning if you open/click an email message, that was sent more than 45 days ago, those stats will not be counted, and the behavioral will also not be registered.
Are the 'Unsubscribe' and 'View Email in Browser' links counted
- Unsubscribe links are not counted. Those clicks will not appear as stats in any Ongage report. Moreover no behavioral open will be registered for contacts who clicked on this unsubscribe link. This applies to the Ongage unsubscribe link only.
- View email in browser links are counted and will appear as click count stats in Ongage reports. Contacts who clicked on this link, will also be included in the segment behavioral open. However, the actual link, will not appear in the breakdown of links that were clicked on.
What are Feedback Loops (FBL / FBLs) AKA Complaint Feedback Loop
- A feedback loop, sometimes called a complaint feedback loop, is an inter-organizational form of feedback by which a Mailbox Provider (MP) forwards the complaints originating from their users back to the sending server / sender.
- See more on Wikipedia about Email Feedback Loops. This is something that your outbound ESP/SMTP sets up with each Mail Box provider. Ongage then pulls that data either via API or webhooks of that ESP/SMTP back into Ongage.
Do I need to setup Feedback Loops (FBL / FBLs) in Ongage
- No. A Feedback loop is something that needs to be setup in the outgoing ESPs you are using in Ongage. So for example, if you're connected to Dyn, and using Ongage as a front-end, the feedback loop is setup for your Dyn account, and Ongage will then pull the complaint (feedback loop) data from your Dyn account into Ongage. For more information about your feedback loop setup, please contact your outbound ESP account administrator.
- The exception to the above is in the case of Private SMTP where you will need to setup the FBL yourself.
How Long Does it Take to Process Unsubscribes
- On average it takes 5 minutes to process an unsubscribe.
How Long Does it Take to Process Complaints
- Anywhere from 1-6 hours depending on the ESP/SMTP. In the case of Amazon SES, mySMTP, Private SMTP, it's typically 1 hour or less.
How long do we maintain the 'View in Browser' link
- 90 days
Gmail Discrepancy in Open Rates
- The discrepancy in Gmail open rates you see is caused by the Gmail Image Proxy. That is because, each delivered email contains a link to an invisible tracking image, and when the image is requested, the sender can deduce that the email has been opened. Unfortunately, Gmail sometimes issues requests for images when the email is received by their servers (before any action from the intended recipient).
- Sometimes it is possible to distinguish these events from the genuine opens that are initiated by your contacts; in which case we can exclude these from the statistics. Sometimes they are indistinguishable. The behavior can also vary depending on whether a contact uses the web-based Gmail interface, a mobile app or some other desktop email client.The result is that open rates from Gmail are not always reliable. This is an industry-wide problem; it is particularly noticeable in this case because the event is configured to target only Gmail contacts.
- Furthermore, since Google generally don't publicly discuss the inner workings of their systems, we can't know exactly why one message is 'preferred' over the other.
- Click rates are not affected by this problem, so the statistics show a ratio closer to 50:50 as you would expect.
Note that in the case of A/B Split tests, to an only Gmail Segment this discrepancy could be particularly noticeable due to this discrepancy.
Setting Up Gmail Feedback Loop (FBL) : Feedback-ID
Info |
Gmail offers a feedback loop (FBL) to high volume senders and email service providers (ESPs). The Gmail FBL is not like those offered by other mailbox providers, because it does not send complaints in the Abuse Reporting Format (ARF). Gmail's FBL only provides a report with aggregated spam statistics for recipients based on specific identifiers in the header, in order to protect their users' privacy. It is important to note that some lower volume senders may not see feedback loop data, even if all requirements for implementing the feedback loop are met. Gmail requires senders to hit an undisclosed volume and spam complaint threshold for data to be available. So, large volume senders and ESPs typically benefit the most from Gmail's feedback loop data. |
To implement the feedback loop, Gmail requires that you insert a special header called the Feedback-ID. And the header is required in either of the following formats:
- Feedback-ID: a:b:c:ESPid (for the ESP)
- Feedback-ID: a:b:c:Senderid (for the high volume sender)
- “a:b:c” are the optional 3 fields which can be anything you choose (campaign/customer/other)
- “SenderId/ESPid” is the only required field. This ID corresponds to an Sender/ESP customer and must be unique and persistent to that customer.
For the optional 3 fields, in Ongage you can inject following values:
- Literal value e.g., 10, IP-Pool, etc.
- Ongage System Field For example {{ocx_mailing_id}}, {{ocx_child_id}}, {{ocx_esp_id}} etc.
- Ongage Dynamic List Field For example {{unique_id}} where "unique_id" is the custom data field added in your Ongage List.
Once you obtain the Feedback-ID header value using above details, you can configure the same as Custom Header in Ongage ESP Connection.
ISP/Mailbox Providers That Provide Feedback Loops for Complaints
The following is a not an exhaustive list:
Italiaonline (Libero and Virgilllo)
La Poste
Microsoft JMRP
Microsoft SNDS
Rackspace (formerly Mailtrust)
SilverSky (formerly USA.NET)
Telcom Italia
United Online/Juno/Netzero
Virgin Media
Soft Bounce Reason "Too Old" from Mailgun
"Too Old" means that the MailGun system has completed the retry cycle for a message that was temporarily rejected and will no longer attempt delivery (i.e., soft bounce). Typically, this occurs after encountering 7 temporary errors, with reasons varying. When a mail server returns a temporary error, it is requesting a later attempt. Mailgun retries delivery according to a schedule of 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 4 hours. If the final attempt fails, the response will be "Too Old".