Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents

(info) Note: Notice that in each API call you must provide the List ID that you are working on, otherwise the default List ID will be used. You can review the possible ways to provide List ID in this link.

Methods Summary

GET /api/lists/<List ID>


This method fetches a list.


Code Block
  "metadata": {
    "error": false
  "payload": {
    "id": 12345,
    "name": "Another List",
    "notification_email": null,
    "description": "",
    "type": "sending",
    "hash_type": "",
    "last_count": 0,
    "last_active_count": 0,
    "unsubscribes": 0,
    "unsubscribe_default_link": true,
    "complaints": 0,
    "last_stats_date": null,
    "last_events_stats_date": null,
    "last_transactional_stats_date": null,
    "bounces": 0,
    "unsubscribe_success_html": null,
    "unsubscribe_confirmation_html": null,
    "unsubscribe_confirmation_button": "",
    "unsubscribe_redirect_url": null,
    "frequencies": null,
    "frequency_active": false,
    "frequency_html": null,
    "frequency_button": "",
    "frequency_field_id": null,
    "external_url_wrapper": "",
    "expiration_date": 0,
    "scope": null,
    "default_transactional_id": 12345,
    "welcome_email_id": null,
    "welcome_email_active": false,
    "welcome_email_esp_connection_id": null,
    "welcome_sms_id": null,
    "welcome_sms_active": false,
    "welcome_sms_connection_id": null,
    "welcome_sms_per_segment": null,
    "allowed_provider_connection_ids": null,
    "public_key": null,
    "image_host_base": null,
    "tracking_domain": null,
    "sms_field_id": null,
    "modified_counts": 0,
    "archive": false,
    "segment_welcome_emails": null,
    "included_segment_cache": null,
    "excluded_segment_cache": null,
    "header_template_id": null,
    "footer_template_id": null,
    "cke_keep_spaces_empty_blocks": false,
    "preprocess_minutes": null,
    "imports_concurrent_limit": 2,
    "demo_list_step": "",
    "link_query_params": null,
    "account_id": 1,
    "created": 1617541368,
    "modified": 1617541368,
    "deleted": null

GET /api/lists


This method returns a collection of all lists in a given account, along with info regarding list type and accompanying settings of each list.


Code Block
 "metadata": {
   "error": false,
   "total": 1
 "payload": [
   "id": 60300,
   "account_id": 60306,
   "name": "my suppression list",
   "description": "",
   "type": "suppression",
   "last_count": 0,
   "last_active_count": 0,
   "unsubscribes": 0,
   "complaints": 0,
   "last_stats_date": null,
   "bounces": 0,
   "unsubscribe_success_html": null,
   "unsubscribe_confirmation_html": null,
   "unsubscribe_confirmation_button": "",
   "frequencies": null,
   "frequency_active": false,
   "frequency_html": null,
   "frequency_button": "",
   "external_url_wrapper": "",
   "expiration_date": 0,
   "scope": "campaign",
   "welcome_email_id": null,
   "welcome_email_active": false,
   "public_key": null,
   "image_host_base": null,
   "tracking_domain": null,
   "welcome_email_esp_connection_id": null,
   "sms_field_id": null,
   "frequency_field_id": null,
   "modified_counts": 0,
   "archive": false,
   "segment_welcome_emails": null,
   "included_segment_cache": null,
   "excluded_segment_cache": null,
   "default": false,
   "created": 1448373288,
   "modified": 1448373288,
   "deleted": null

POST /api/lists


This method creates a new List.


Optional string - For "suppression" list only, "global" or "list" or "campaign". Default: "global"


Optional array - For "suppression" list only. It is need when creating list level Suppression lists to provide "sending_list_id" that you want to connect this suppression with. 


Optional string - For "suppression" list only, indicates if lists support contacts in md5, sha256, or sha512 format.  


Code Block
"name": "list level suppression",
"description": "",
"type": "suppression",
"scope": "list",
"suppress_in_lists": [
"expiration_date": ""

PUT /api/lists/<List ID>


This method updates and existing list.


Code Block
 "name": "my_list_name",
 "type": "sending",
 "description": "This is my list",
 "welcome_email_active": false,
 "unsubscribe_default_link": true,
 "unsubscribe_confirmation_html" : "<p>Are you sure you wannt to unsubscribe?</p>",
 "unsubscribe_confirmation_button" : "Unsubscribe",
 "unsubscribe_success_html": "<p>you have been successfully unsubscribe</p>",
 "frequency_active": true,
 "frequency_html" "<p>Choose how frequent would you like to receive our email</p>",
 "frequencies" : [
         "title":"Twice a month",

POST /api/lists/<List ID>/copy


This method copies a list.


Code Block
POST api/lists/<list_id>/copy?
  Request = array (
  'create' => true,
  'name' => '<name>',
  'description' => '',
  'type' => 'sending',
  'default' => false,

DELETE /api/lists/<List ID>


This method deletes a list.
