Table of Contents:

Basic Delivery and Performance Terms Explained

(info) The following is a list of delivery KPIs you'll find in all the various Ongage analytic reports.





Unique Opens


Unique Clicks aka Unique Clickers

Prior to January 2017, unique clicks were counter per link. Meaning that if in a campaign, a contact clicks once on 2 separate links, 2 unique clicks were counted.

If your Ongage account was created prior to January 2017, and you were not offered by Ongage support to move to the new unique count mentioned above, then your account may be counting unique clicks in this older method. If so we recommend asking Ongage support to move your account to the newer method.





Soft Bounce

Hard Bounce

Deferred / Expired 

Delivery Terms FAQ

(info) FAQs about some of these terms and how they work in Ongage.

How are bounces determined in Ongage

(info) Common Bounce Codes:

How does Ongage count opens

Opens in Ongage are implied 

How does Ongage count clicks

For how long does Ongage collect Open and Click Stats for a given campaign

Are the 'Unsubscribe' and 'View Email in Browser' links counted

What are Feedback Loops (FBL / FBLs) AKA Complaint Feedback Loop

Do I need to setup Feedback Loops (FBL / FBLs) in Ongage

How Long Does it Take to Process Unsubscribes

How Long Does it Take to Process Complaints

How long do we maintain the 'View in Browser' link


Gmail Discrepancy in Open Rates

Setting Up Gmail Feedback Loop (FBL) : Feedback-ID

Gmail offers a feedback loop (FBL) to high volume senders and email service providers (ESPs). The Gmail FBL is not like those offered by other mailbox providers, because it does not send complaints in the Abuse Reporting Format (ARF). Gmail's FBL only provides a report with aggregated spam statistics for recipients based on specific identifiers in the header, in order to protect their users' privacy.

It is important to note that some lower volume senders may not see feedback loop data, even if all requirements for implementing the feedback loop are met. Gmail requires senders to hit an undisclosed volume and spam complaint threshold for data to be available. So, large volume senders and ESPs typically benefit the most from Gmail's feedback loop data.

To implement the feedback loop, Gmail requires that you insert a special header called the Feedback-ID. And the header is required in either of the following formats:


For the optional 3 fields, in Ongage you can inject following values:

  1. Literal value e.g., 10, IP-Pool, etc.
  2. Ongage System Field For example {{ocx_mailing_id}}, {{ocx_child_id}}, {{ocx_esp_id}} etc.
  3. Ongage Dynamic List Field For example {{unique_id}} where "unique_id" is the custom data field added in your Ongage List.

Once you obtain the Feedback-ID header value using above details, you can configure the same as Custom Header in Ongage ESP Connection.