Table of Contents:


Transactional Campaign Configuration

The transactional campaign configuration page, is for setting up statistical containers for the various types of transactional messages you might send in Ongage. 

For example:

(info) Every List in Ongage comes with 1 Default Transactional campaign already setup, and is used for aggregating the stats of the built-in transactional welcome message. Also, for any transactional API call, where the transactional campaign id was not specified in the API call, the transactional stats of that API call, will get aggregated in this default transactional campaign. 

Transactional messages in Ongage can be issued from 3 primary places

  1. The Built-in Transactional Welcome message. See the List Settings help page for more about that.
  2. Automation Rules. We recommend setting up a separate transactional campaign for each separate Automation Rule that contains a Transactional Message Action.  
  3. API – where you can issue transactional messages from your Back-end / Website / CRM / etc. using the Transactional Mailing API method. 

How to Setup a Transactional Campaign

  1. Go to Campaigns >> Transactional Campaigns >> and click on New Transactional Campaign.
  2. You can choose the Transactional Type you want, that is Email or SMS. Also, you need to provide the name and description for the same.

Advanced Configuration

Sending Connection

Select a Whitelist Segment to send Cc and Bcc transactional messages

Campaign Level Suppression Lists

  • You can also configure a campaign level suppression list for each/any of the transactional campaigns you setup on this page. See our Lists Management help page for more about suppression lists.
  • (info) Note: The campaign level suppression feature is not supported for the built-in Welcome Email/SMS (which is configured in the List Settings -> General page).


SMTP vendors that support sending transactional messages

  1. Amazon SES
  2. Oracle Dyn
  3. Elastic Email
  4. InboxRoad
  5. Mandrill (deprecated).
  6. MailGun
  7. MailJet V3
  8. mySMTP
  9. OpenText (limited availability).
  10. Private SMTP (a generic SMTP connector for connecting to any On-Premise or Cloud SMTP server).
  11. SendGrid
  13. SocketLabs
  14. SparkPost & SparkPost Enterprise

SMS vendors that support sending transactional messages

  1. CM.
  2. MessageMedia
  3. Sinch
  4. Twilio