Table of Contents:

The Ongage API

General Introduction 

Before starting here, please visit our API FAQ for all basics and getting started questions.

Here are some online resources about REST:

  1. Representational state transfer
  2. Using HTTP Methods for RESTful Services 

(info) No SDK is required in order to use the Ongage API all you need is:

  1. An Ongage account.
  2. API User Login credentials and account code (see API FAQ).
  3. The desired API method described in the subsection of this document.

About API Access and Access Permission Denied HTTP 403

(warning) Note: your account needs to be allowed to have API access. See our pricing page to see if your plan includes API access or ask your account manager. If you don't have API access you will get an HTTP 403   permission denied response.

The Ongage API Endpoint

The API endpoint URL is:<followed by the requested entity>

For example:

Overview of Key API Controllers

The Ongage API is organized into the following key controllers:

All API Methods Organized in Subsection Pages

API Error Codes

HTTP Error Codes 


Empty Object Fields

Empty Object Fields Return as Empty Arrays

(info) Note: every object field in the API, will return an empty array when empty, and not an empty object.

Do API calls take into account the time zone of the Ongage user issuing the API call 


Json Formatters and Validators

  1. JSON Formatter and Validator

REST Clients

  1. Advanced REST client for Chrome