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Table of Contents:

Table of Contents

Code Examples

Add contact to List: PHP, C# and NodeJS examples

C# code example of how to add a contact to your Ongage List:


Code Block
const request = require('request-promise-native')const headers = {
    x_username: '*******',
const listId = 1234 // Put List Id in which you want to create contact
const createContact = async () => {
    const payload  = {
        uri: `${listId}/api/v2/contacts/`,
        json: true,
        body: {
            email: '',
            first_name: 'Test',
            last_name: 'Test'
        method: "POST",
        resolveWithFullResponse: true
    return request(payload)
    .then((response) => {
        console.log(`Response : ${JSON.stringify(response)}`)
    }).catch((err) => {
        console.log(`Error : ${err}`)

JSON example of bulk contact add to list

Code Block
POST /api/v2/contacts
                { "email": "", "fields" : { "name": "John Doe", "country": "Chile" } } , 
                { "email" : "", "fields" : { "name": "....", "country": "...." } } 
example of return:
	"metadata": {
		"error": false
	"payload": {
		"rows": 2,
		"created": 1,
		"created_emails": {
			"": "11111111111111111"
		"updated": 0,
		"updated_emails": [],
		"revived": 0,
		"revived_emails": [],
		"success": 1,
		"failed": 1,
		"failed_emails": {
			"": "Email already exists"

JSON Example of How To Do a Contact Search Using The Ongage System Contact ID 

Endpoint: POST api/contact_search

Code Block
   "title":"All Members: Contact ID (System field) equals \"1111\"",
   "title":"All Members: Contact ID (System field) equals \"1111\" OR Contact ID (System field) equals \"22222222\"",

JSON Example of How To Create a Contact  Search for All Members in a Given List




Code Block
// Sample Request
          "title": "All Members: Email is not empty",
          "include_behavior": false,
          "filters": {
                   "type": "Active",
                   "criteria": [{
                             "type": "string",
                             "operator": "notempty",
                             "operand": [""],
                             "case_sensitive": 0,
                             "condition": "and",
                             "field_id": "123456" // This is the field id of the email field in that list. You can find that ID under List Settings -> Field Setup
                   "user_type": "all"
          "combined_as_and": true
//Sample Response
  "metadata": {
    "error": false
  "payload": {
    "list_id": 12345,
    "title": "All Members: Email is not empty",
    "include_behavior": false,
    "filters": {
      "type": "Active",
      "criteria": [
          "type": "string",
          "operator": "notempty",
          "operand": [
          "case_sensitive": 0,
          "condition": "and",
          "field_id": "123456", 
          "field_name": "email"
      "user_type": "all"
    "combined_as_and": true,
    "account_id": 1234, 
    "status": 1,
    "desc": "Pending",
    "id": 82169,				// This is ID of the search report that was created
    "created": 1470930202,
    "modified": 1470930202

How to Add a Date Filter to the Contact Search

See example 'from_date' and 'to_date' filters below:

Code Block
// Sample Request
          "title": "All Members: Email is not empty",
          "include_behavior": false,
          "filters": {
                   "type": "Active",
                   "criteria": [{
                             "type": "string",
                             "operator": "notempty",
                             "operand": [""],
                             "case_sensitive": 0,
                             "condition": "and",
                             "field_id": "123456" // This is the field id of the email field in that list. You can find that ID under List Settings -> Field Setup
                   "user_type": "all"
					"from_date": 1467320400,
					"to_date": 1471381199
          "combined_as_and": true

JSON Example for List: Copy, Create and Delete

JSON payload sample for copy list

Code Block
POST api/lists/

JSON payload sample for creating a list - list always created with field of default list

Code Block
POST api/lists/<list_id>/copy?
  Request = array (
  'create' => true,
  'name' => '<name>',
  'description' => '',
  'type' => 'sending',
  'default' => false,

JSON payload sample for delete list:

Code Block
DELETE api/lists/<list_id>
for adding a field:
POST api/list_fields?
  Request = array (
  'name' => '<name>',
  'title' => '<title>',
  'type' => 'string', // string/email/date/numeric
  'format' => 'yyyy-mm-dd',/* for date for example
  'default' => '',
  'position' => '<position in list>',
  'mandatory' => NULL,
  'list_id' => <list_id>,

JSON payload sample for deleting list field:

Code Block
DELETE api/list_fields/<field_id>

JSON Example How to Create a Segment Based on the Ongage Import ID

ocx_import_id is the system field that contains the import ID. As always the list_id can be indicated in numerous ways as indicated at the beginning of this guide.

Code Block
POST /api/segments
   "name":"Segment Based on Import ID",
   "description":"Segment based on Import ID",